Gain a better understanding of the 世界

We challenge students to study the religious 实践, 信仰, 机构, and texts of ancient and modern societies. 通过这些研究, students learn about the religious phenomena that have shaped human civilizations. In addition to deep knowledge of this religious and cultural activity, our students acquire intellectual skills that serve them throughout their educational endeavors and beyond. Religion has historically shaped and continues to influence cultures and 机构 世界wide. It is useful to explore 精神上的 traditions in order to examine ultimate religious and ethical questions.

A typical course in the department includes students from various backgrounds and academic disciplines, and it affords significant opportunity for provocative interdisciplinary discussion.

Students will graduate with the ability to reflect upon, 欣赏, 对批评持开放态度, 实践, 信仰, and 机构 of other cultures as well as their own. 通过这种暴露, students come to better understand the 世界, 自己, and their place in the 世界.


You will experience practical aspects of religion through field work in local places of worship, 包括儒家, Hindu and Sikh temples; Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhist temples; a Greek Orthodox Church; a local synagogue; and St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, which has one of the largest social help programs in the Central Valley.


You have the option to earn your bachelor’s degree in three years. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.


Ziadelyn梅尔卡多 is a double major in religious studies and psychology. She is an active member of Multicultural Affairs and participates in Tea with the Women's Resource Center, 在一起更好地交谈, 和灵魂食品. 在研究宗教方面, she hopes to gain a better understanding of the different kinds of religious and belief systems.


Savannah has a passion for exploring the intersection between human 精神上的ity and health care, especially in the community. She began developing Spanish language information on COVID-19 when she found a lack of information for Spanish-speakers.



The Department of Religious Studies is interdisciplinary by definition and covers content that spans the globe in a broad historical manner. Our curriculum includes an array of topics, such as:

  • American religious culture
  • Eastern and Western religious and 精神上的 traditions
  • Ethical issues of contemporary life (e.g., biotechnology and ethics)
  • 性别与性
  • 媒体与宗教
  • The interface of politics and religion, contemporary and ancient
  • 经典的宗教, 精神上的, 哲学, 神话, 神奇的, and political texts from Chinese, 梵文, 希伯来语, 楔形文字, 希腊语和拉丁语来源
  • Archaeological artifacts from the ancient 世界
students sitting in front of Morris Chapel

Students in the Department of Religious Studies form a close-knit community. Those bonds are strengthened by the field trips they take as part of their academic studies, by celebrating each other's achievements, and by exploring the 世界 of religious studies through dialogue and conversation.

Religious studies students have the opportunity to meet and work closely with a faculty that has in-depth expertise covering diverse aspects of the discipline. Not only do our faculty excel in their own academic scholarship, but they also excel in imparting that knowledge to students.

While 太平洋 does not require students to adhere to any religious faith or system of belief, many of our students find their studies enriched by working with the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. This office works to foster dialogue, understanding, and harmony in our campus community.


Students experience practical aspects of religion through field work in local places of worship, 包括儒家, Hindu and Sikh temples; Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhist temples; a Greek Orthodox Church; a local synagogue; and St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, which has one of the largest social help programs in the Central Valley. 

You will traverse Northern California with professors to explore different religions and faith systems. These out-of-the-classroom experiences deepen students understanding of their field and bring the texts and traditions they study to life. Recent trips have included the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose and Stockton Cambodian Buddhist Temple. 

professor and students visiting Cambodian temple


Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
students walking around campus with professor Lenzi
Ready to take the next step?


Student kneeling on floor with book
